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Income Thresholds for Medicare 2023
Every year, CMS will reassess your household income level to determine your Part B premium and any Part D high income adjustments. Remember they look back 2 years (2021) on your tax returns and are looking at your Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI). If you are high income, you will get an IRMAA notification (Income Related Monthly Adjustment Amount) letting you know how much extra you must pay for Part B and/or Part D. The income penalty is based PER PERSON in a household though the calculation is based on household income
Remember if your income in 2023 is expected to be lower than what it was in 2021, you can appeal for hardship and they will waive or lower the premium penalties for Part B and Part D. If you need to appeal, you'll fill out this form and send it in and they'll base the penalties on your projected annual household income for the current year versus your tax returns from 2 years ago.
CMS SSA-44 LIFE CHANGE EVENT APPEAL FORM (life change is lower income)